Monday, January 26, 2009

Wow - it has been almost a year since I have blogged - I don't really think it matters all that much - but I'll just say Hi for now - I have lots to do and soon I will have more to do - - - oh I can't wait to blog about it!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Okay, so don't, I won't care

My husband is making fun of me because he says nobody reads my blogs, yet my friends comment and I like doing this. It is releasing some of the tension in my head and neck.

I have been suffering from absolutely freaking awful headaches since October (probably earlier than that). I have seen a pain specialist, a chiropractor, a physical therapist and a neurosurgeon. I have had every test known to the head, and yet the headaches still persist. I HATE THEM. I have limited what I am doing in my life and I seriously don't like that. My head hurts every day. Sometimes the headaches are worse and sometimes they are just there, but they are ALWAYS there. I have limited what I have been eating, after reading an article on what foods can cause headaches, that didn't help! Then I tried to relax more, and that didn't help.

But I like doing this blog, and it helps a little on the headaches.

So, my dear husband, you must be reading this, otherwise you wouldn't know that nobody really reads it, and I like doing it! ;)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Life with a 16 year old boy.

Hello! I haven't been here in a while, been a bit busy!
The boys are making me crazy and busy and happy all at the same time!
My 16 year old son just got his driver's license. He thinks he is a hot shot now, but I have been very happy with the way he has been driving and listening!

Insurance rates: stink! I understand 16 year old boys have higher rates than any other person on this earth, but the insurance coverage on our two cars DOUBLED +! Poor kid, he is trying to find a job to help out, but for some reason, no one is hiring him. Soon, I hope.

He just got a new cell phone from our cell phone junkie neighbor. He has been playing with it for over three hours.

I like having boys, I really do. They are fun, adventurous, and they drive me crazy and make me busy and happy all at the same time.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Soccer Season is beginning!

I love to be part of AYSO Soccer. I started as a snack Mom, then I became the team parent, from there I went to be the Volunteer Coordinator, then I went on to be the secretary, and then the Registrar and now I am going to go even deeper and I am going to be the ARC (Assistant Regional Commissioner)! AYSO is a 100% volunteer organization, so I don't get any $ for it at all, but the rewards I do get are priceless. I love to be registrar, because I watch the kids register, and then I enter them, put them on teams (with a little help from my friends) and then on the very first game day! I LOVE IT!~ It all comes together! It is just about the most satisfying experience to watch kids play soccer. And for those of you who do not know about AYSO, it is an organization that IS about the kids. They have 5 philosophies that they run the entire organization by: Everyone Plays (my favorite); Open registration; Positive Coaching; Balanced Teams and another one of my favorites: Good Sportsmanship. I have to say they are all my favorites, but I love the fact that anyone can play. If you have years of experience or are naturally athletic you play and if you wouldn't know a soccer ball from a tennis ball... you can still play! It is great to see the kids who know nothing about the game, learn it, and play it and learn to love it. I could go on and on, but I have to finish up with some registrations. I will chat with you later!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Proud Mom sharing!

The above link is a link to an article written by my eldest son, Christopher. He was asked to be participate in the ESPN "Earn Your Stripes" team, partnered with AYSO, Frosted Flakes and of course ESPN. Click on it.. and Enjoy. The photo was taken by his brother, Ryan (he's only 8).

And yes, to all of you asking the question: Christopher is a HUGE Green Bay Packers fan and Yes, his dad is an equally big Chicago Bears Fan.

Oh, No, Now she's blogging

This is probably a bad thing for me... I love to talk and now I get to randomly talk. Good luck in deciphering my random thoughts. My boys tell me that I tend to start stories, that lead into other stories and so on and so on etc... Hopefully this will not happen here. But then again, it will keep whoever decides to read my random thoughts slightly entertained.